Sunday, February 15, 2009

Famous Last Words

  • 3... 2... 1... Liftoff !
  • 'Don't try this at home', my ass.
  • Click ?? ...This doesn't come with ammo ?
  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHhhhh...
  • Actually, there's a knack to opening the Concorde's windows.
  • After I pick up my handgun, let's go see that new Ben Affleck/Jennifer Lopez flick.
  • And now that I'm running my life support equipment through Windows 95, I'll never have to worry about — beeeeeeeep...
  • Anybody in here have a match ?
  • Are you pregnant or just plain fat ?
  • Aww what cute little fish...
  • Bob, you have any grenades left ? Throw me one...
  • But I thought you were my friend ?
  • But this cartoon about Mohammad is REALLY FUNNY
  • Come outside and say that, Tyson.
  • Comrade Stalin. I don't like your style of management so I'm going to challenge you for the leadership.
  • Coo-er ! Wait until I tell the missus I crashed into a car with a MAF-1 number plate !
  • Cool! If you look through the wrong end of the binoculars, those charging elephants look really far away !
  • Cover me !
  • Cut the red one !
  • Dad, why the apple on my head ?
  • Diamonds... Gold... Sapphires !!! Terry ! Terry, we're rich, we're rich, we're fabulously wealthy !!!! ...Terry..... Terry ??
  • Did you hear thunder ? Oh well hurry up and putt.
  • Did you see that guy's head ? I wonder what did this...
  • Did... go... all... the... way!
  • Didn't we celebrate Mothers Day last year ?
  • Don't be silly. If this was really the ship's self-destruct button, do you think they'd leave it lying around where anyone could press it ?
  • Don't be so superstitious...
  • Don't panic !
  • Don't shoot, it's me...
  • Don't unplug it, it will just take a moment to fix.
  • Don't worry, even though they have a powerful bite, the muscles that OPEN the jaws are really weak.
  • Don't worry, I'll handle it.
  • Don't worry, I read somewhere that bears mostly eat roots and berries.
  • Don't worry, it's not loaded.
  • Don't worry, my parents are asleep
  • Don't worry, Sarah, there are thirty cops in this building (from Terminator 1).
  • Don't worry, this ship won't sink with this little water inside.
  • Don Corleone doesn't suspect a thing.
  • Everybody will be fine, just fi...
  • Excuse me, I'm a tourist and I'm lost.
  • Fancy a quick snifter before we leave Saudi ?
  • For my next trick I will escape from this flaming coffin while wearing a straight jacket and singing Eye Of The Tiger.
  • Gee, that's a cute tattoo.
  • Get your hands off my wife !
  • Give me liberty or give me death.
  • Give this juggernaut driver the 'V' sign while we're overtaking him, would you, darling ?
  • Go ahead you idiot, pull the trigger.
  • God will save me!
  • Good Lord ! It's not often a black cat causes you to break a mirror by crossing your path while you're walking under a ladder on Friday 13th, is it ?
  • Green Zone shmeen zone. I’m going put on my kilt and walk to the market.
  • He's been a perfectly safe driver ever since his first Model T.
  • He's probably just hibernating.
  • Hell's Angel ? Then why are you all dressed like one of the Village People ?
  • Here, kitty, kitty, kitty...
  • Here, you hold this and I'll light it.
  • Hey, I bet I can do that better than you can !
  • Hey, man, gimme a match. I can't see but I think my gas tank's empty.
  • Hey, that's not a violin.
  • Hey, there's no handles inside these car doors !
  • Hey, we're out ! We're safe !
  • Hmmm... tastes of almonds, yummy...
  • How'd you get this far from the donut shop ? (said to the S.W.A.T. team)
  • How am I doing, Doctor ?
  • How could we possibly lose ?
  • Humpty Dumpty may sound like the name of a plonker, but I know a safe wall when I see one.
  • Hydrogen gas plus oxygen gas makes water,...right ?
  • I'd feel better if we had some crampons. Oh, what the hell, let's go for it...
  • I'll get a world record for this.
  • I'll get your toast out.
  • I'll hold it and you light the fuse.
  • I'll just slip into the commuter lane for a second.
  • I'll put my head in, and see what's inside...
  • I'll take a Big Mac and a Coke.
  • I'm bored...
  • I'm making a citizen's arrest.
  • I'm sure I turned my lights off.
  • I'm sure reinforcements will get here on time. They promised...
  • I've done this before.
  • I've never felt better.
  • I've seen this done on TV.
  • I am challenging you in a duel !
  • I am The Highlander...
  • I bet I can fit in there.
  • I bet most of the gasoline has evaporated by now.
  • I can do that with my eyes closed.
  • I can hold my breath at least that long.
  • I can make this light before it changes.
  • I don't need a helmet for that climb.
  • I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
  • I feel better now...
  • I folded my parachute myself.
  • I have a very bad feeling about this.
  • I know how to handle a flame thrower...
  • I know it's 30,000 volts, but I'm wearing rubber soles.
  • I never get lost.
  • I rather fancy this cheese with the green mold on it.
  • I saw that Crocodile Hunter guy do this...
  • I think it said connect the brown wire to the negative terminal.
  • I told you living off the land was great. First we found wild strawberries, then wild raspberries, and now...wild almonds!
  • I will be back
  • I wonder what the black-and-yellow striped ring above the seat does ?
  • I wonder where the mother bear is.
  • I would never do anything if there was any chance at all my wife would find out
  • If you insist, you can get on top this time...
  • If you were as smart as you think you are, you wouldn't be a cop.
  • Inny meany miny moe...
  • Interesting...
  • Is that a bear ?
  • Is it true that crocodiles do exist in this area ?
  • Is that bone supposed to do that ?
  • It'll be a short ocean voyage. One week's worth of food and water will be enough.
  • It'll shrink in the wash.
  • It's always sunny there this time of the year.
  • It's just a short easy hike.
  • It's OK to format this disk.
  • It's OK, the gay guy with the boils just lent me his hypodermic needle.
  • It's not the voltage, it's the amps that get you.
  • It's pretty much grounded.
  • It's probably just a rash.
  • It's so tame I can put my head in its mouth.
  • It's strong enough for both of us.
  • It's supposed to make that noise.
  • It can't possibly rain for forty days and nights.
  • It doesn't look like the bridge is out.
  • It doesn't look very fast; we can easily swim across...
  • It says "Please press '#' to download your free navigation software upgrade".
  • It says: "Achtung ! Minefield". That's German for "Welcome to Munich" isn't it ?
  • It should be ok to swim in.
  • It shouldn't take long to reach Anchorage.
  • It was fresh just last week.
  • Jason won't find us in this closet.
  • Is it just a coincidence that everyone in your gang is ugly?
  • It's one of the things I've always wanted to do before I die.
  • It's only explosive when it's confined under pressure.
  • It really isn't a red button, its more maroon...
  • It worked on Jackass...
  • Just take whatever you want, this is a ghost town.
  • Just throw me that meat cleaver, would you ?
  • Let's ask those soldiers for directions.
  • Let's drop our weapons and talk.
  • Let's not get excited.
  • Let's split up, we'll cover more ground.
  • Let's stay cool.
  • Let it down slowly.
  • Let me handle this...
  • Let me reach in and get your watch out of the printing press.
  • Look ! No hands !
  • Looks good to me...
  • Maybe the Iranians do need nuclear reactors for energy...
  • Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...
  • Me first ! Me first !
  • My faith will protect me.
  • Nah - flammable means it burns - inflammable is quite safe.
  • Never mind...
  • Nice doggie.
  • No free will? Snort! Would a man who has no free will do THIS ?
  • No problem. That's easy.
  • No retreat, no surrender !
  • No, darling ! I'm sure they drive on the left over here in France.
  • No, dude, this stuff is completely natural and safe, man. That's why it's called 'herbal'.
  • No, I read once that if you're driving over 55mph on the freeway and pull the key out of the ignition, the steering wheel won't lock, it's designed that way for safety.
  • No, my shoes aren't untied.
  • No, the stream is not strong...
  • Now here's a picture of the Prophet partying with...
  • Of *course* it's bulletproof. Shoot me and you'll see.
  • Of course being colour blind was no barrier to fulfilling my lifelong ambition to work in bomb-disposal... and now for the red wire
  • Of course he's intelligent, he's the President ain't he ?
  • Of course I'm fit to drive.
  • Of course it's sterile.
  • Of course Muslims have a sense of humor...
  • Oh, hi Laur... err Sandra !
  • Oh, I wouldn't worry about that noise. It's probably nothing.
  • Oh, we don't need to follow the instruction manual. It all looks quite obvious.
  • OK honey, you can drive!
  • OK, I'll go ahead and make your day.
  • OK, this is the last time.
  • Okay, let's see if I loaded this thing right...
  • Okay, so helium makes your voice squeaky... what happens with hydrogen ?
  • One more jelly doughnut isn't gonna kill me
  • Oooh! Somebody from Montana sent me a package made entirely of wood!
  • Oooopsss...
  • Pass me a hanky; I'm going to wipe the foam off that dog's mouth.
  • Patchy fog ? On this road ! Don't make me lau...
  • Pick up those 32 empty lager cans, you lout !
  • Pull the pin and count to what ?
  • Question over here, Arnold ! Why does Maria look like a friggin' skeleton?
  • Rat poison only kills rats.
  • See a doctor ? Just for a ruptured aorta and a couple of dozen black suppurating pustules ?!
  • See, it'll be much quicker if I butter the toast while it's still IN the toaster.
  • She won't mind if I take the last piece of chocolate.
  • Sitting Bull! I'm here to teach you a lesson!
  • So, this is Beirut/Iraq/Afghanistan...
  • So, you're a cannibal ?
  • Sorry dear, I won't be home by Mothers' Day, I have to stay on-site and wait for a new patch.
  • Tequila ? That stuff's for wimps! I can drink it all night and still be sober enough to drive home.
  • That's not smoke, that's steam.
  • That's odd...
  • That's strange; you don't usually see many American planes over this part of Hiroshima, do you ?
  • That's the oldest trick in the book.
  • That birthmark on your head looks like 999.
  • That should be at least enough gas to make it across Nevada.
  • The boss won't mind.
  • The ice is safe.
  • The manager just gave me another of those assignments from hell.
  • The odds of that happening have to be a million to one !
  • The piranhas must be full by now.
  • The sign on the door says, "AIRLOCK". I wonder what's inside...
  • The toast is stuck. Pass me the knife, will you.
  • The trick with a charging rhino is to stand perfectly still.
  • There's 300 of us. That should be enough to intimidate the Persians.
  • There's a lovely view if you can lean over this...
  • These are the safe kind of mushrooms.
  • These cockpit lights flash all the time. Don't worry about it.
  • These nuclear plants look lovely when they begin to glow like that, don't they ?
  • They're only ceremonial guards, they're unarmed.
  • They don't look so tough.
  • They only attack when they're hungry.
  • This boat/car/plane is in top condition.
  • This bomb alert must be a joke.
  • This does have a safety catch, doesn't it ?
  • This doesn't taste right.
  • This drink tastes a bit bizarre...
  • This is the best gay biker bar EVER !
  • This one time at band camp...
  • This planet has an atmosphere just like Earth.
  • This will go down in history...
  • This won't hurt.
  • Those noises are probably nothing.
  • Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmbeeeeeeerrr !
  • Trust Me, it's the blue wi.....
  • Two front berths on the Titanic, please.
  • Uh guys ? Hello ? Anyone ?
  • Uh oh...
  • Uh, what does 'explosive decompression' mean ?
  • Violence is not an answer.
  • Wanna see me beat this train ?
  • Was that 'on belay' or 'off belay' ?
  • Watch this...
  • Watch where you're pointing that bow ! You nearly...
  • We'll be perfectly safe behind this much lead plate.
  • We'll be safe enough on this highway if we just follow that traveling salesman's Sierra.
  • We'll let him fire the mortar, he's not too good with a gun.
  • We are all out of candles, so I used lanterns to surround the pentagram...
  • We are now flying over Iraq.
  • Well we've made it this far.
  • Well, here we are on the world's largest hydrogen airship; this calls for a cigare.
  • Well, the sergeant says we have 10 minutes before we attack the fort. Here, let me show you some new photos of my kid that my wife sent me.
  • Well, we're the next best thing to a bank.
  • Whaddya mean, a pentagram only has FIVE sides ?
  • What's that beeping noise ?
  • What's that priest doing here ?
  • What a fine air ship we have gentleman. The Furher is proud of this acheivement. Lets light some cigars to celbrate.
  • What do you mean 'Abestos' arent safe i had them in my house for who knows how long.
  • What do you mean my weapon was made by the cheapest contractor ?
  • What do you mean, "I'll be back" ?
  • Which one of you Ringwraiths ordered the veal ?
  • Whistling sounds ? Naw, they can't have a grenade launcher !
  • Who's a nice sweet cooch-woochy little lion, then ?
  • Who took the battery out of my grav belt ?
  • Whoops ! Did I spill your scotch, McTavish ?
  • Why am I standing on a plastic sheet ?
  • Why are you guys smiling like that ?
  • Why do these candles say T-N-T ?
  • Why is your torch flame turning blue ?
  • Why yes honey, I do think you look fat in that dress.
  • Wow, that sure is an odd-looking lampshade you've got there... it almost looks like it has tattoo.
  • Yeah ? Over my dead body !
  • Yeah, I made the deciding vote on the jury, so what of it ?
  • Yeah, we've debugged it thoroughly. It's foolproof.
  • Yes that does make your bum look big, actually...
  • Yes, I'm sure this hold/belay/anchor/rope is good.
  • You're not in the frame yet — stand closer to the cage
  • You are on belay. But whatever you do... don't fall !
  • YOU are the UGLIEST guy I've ever seen !
  • You can’t wake them up when they’re hibernating.
  • You have a secret room under your house? Cool. I’d love to see it.
  • You look just like Charles Manson.
  • You sure this fireworks' dead ?
  • You will take a check, won't you cabbie ?
  • You won't get me alive !
  • You wouldn't dare...
  • You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses on, would you ?

Some not so Real Ones

  • "He bubba, watch this !" — Any redneck.
  • "I drank what ?" Buy at Amazon.comSocrates.
  • "Happy Ides of March, Brutus." Buy at Amazon.comJulius Caesar.
  • "Aren't those the daggers I gave you for Christmas ?" — Julius Caesar.
  • "Let me think... I wonder if an anvil will drop like an apple ?" Buy at Amazon.comIsaac Newton.
  • "Waiter, I said no ice in my Whisky !" — A passenger on board of the Titanic.
  • "Luke, I lied. Bill Shatner is your real father." — Darth Vader.
  • "Don't worry about the Rover. That's no cliff." — NASA techie.
  • "No, no, I said BUD Light !" — Pilot of the space shuttle Challenger.
  • "Oh for Christ's sake, let her drive..." — The commander of Challenger.
  • "What's that big red button for ?" Buy at Amazon.comChrista McAuliffe on board of Challenger.
  • "Bloody hell, what was that ?" — The mayor of Buy at Amazon.comHiroshima.
  • "Scattered showers ?!?" — Noah.
  • "I don't suppose its gonna rain ?" — Joan of Arc.
  • "Where the hell did all those Indians come from ?!?" Buy at Amazon.comGeneral Custer.
  • "I eat guys like you for breakfast !" Buy at Amazon.comJeffrey Dahmer.
  • "Yoko, why don't you try to sing one ?" Buy at Amazon.comJohn Lennon.
  • "Courtney, I'm retiring from music and giving everything away to charity can we live off of Hole royalties ?"
  • "Here I sit all broken-hearted..." Buy at Amazon.comElvis Presley.
  • "Oh, and some more drugs and hamburgers please..." — Elvis Presley.
  • "Who greased the viiiiiiiiiiiinnnneee..." — Tarzan.
  • "What's a mountain goat doing 'way up here ?" — Airplane pilot.
  • "I wonder if this thing is loaded ?" Buy at Amazon.comKurt Cobain.
  • "Keep your cotton-pickin' hands off my gin !" — Ely Whitney.
  • "I said 'Beat them all', NOT 'Eat the wall' !" Buy at Amazon.comPrincess Diana.
  • "These paparazzi are driving me up the wall." — Princess Diana.
  • "No more pictures, I'm a bloody Princess !" — Princess Diana.
  • "Darn, I can't auction this dress now !" — Princess Diana.
  • "Take me up the tunnel, make me scream !" — Princess Diana.
  • "Don't worry I can lose them..." — The driver.
  • "Careful son, that thing's loaded !" — My late father.

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